Custom control systems

The hydraulic basis of all Premium Line versions, matching a specific Q/H, is more or less the same. With identical DPV pumps, manifolds, appendages, etc. The difference between the various Premium Line versions is mainly it's control. Sometimes the version without speed control (DOL (on/off)) is sufficient for your application. But when there are requirements for energy efficiency, comfort or extra control options, the Premium Line range offers enough choice.

VFD speed control

A model with speed control is available in 3 versions.

VFD with IE3 motor
  • With the speed control on the pump and settings via Bluetooth/app
  • Speed control in the cabinet and settings via pushbuttons and display menu (Megacontrol CM)

Both models provide efficient, consistent water pressure, with the Megacontrol CM model offering extra functionality.

VFD with IE5 motor

IE5 is always used in combination with the DP-Var speed control. The DP-Var can, next to controlling the speed, also control the Premium Line pressure booster. But if more functionality or ease of use is required, the Megacontrol CM can also be added as a control for the latter.

Basic DOL model (fixed speed)

The Megacontrol CM takes care of controlling the Q/H, but the pumps have fixed speed. When there's a demand for water pressure, the pumps switch on one by one. The installation has been designed to provide the desired pressure at maximum capacity.

2025 Avantage

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